2 Pitbulls and a Corky

2 Pitbulls and a Corky

We just spotted 2 pitbulls and 1 corky running on Potato Ridge (off Ashton Woods 3mi in from the main gate). The dogs had collars. Was unable to get them to see collars. They ran off towards Scarlet Oak. 9046257185

Lot 35

One Response

  1. keyme321@gmail.com says:

    I saw these dogs pass through Scarlet Oak almost immediately after Matt said they were headed in my direction. They disappeared by the time I got my shoes on and went outside.

    I woke up around 6 this morning to barking outside my window. This time, when I got outside, they were standing on Scarlet Oak but as I approached, they ran further down the road. Because it was so dark, my flashlight may have scared them off and I could only see two this time.

    Melanie (lot 46)

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