2023/2024 Spongy Moth Cooperative Suppression Program

2023/2024 Spongy Moth Cooperative Suppression Program

AWPOA Community,

Good evening and hope that everyone is enjoying the cool late Spring weather.

First and foremost, thank you for the responses to the board as well as the coordination between property owners on the Gypsy Moth (Spongy Moth) topic.

We have submitted the 2023/2024 application for the survey to WV DOA and working with Scott and his team. Once the survey is completed, we will post the results on the website as well as distribute via email.

Rose has also provided contact information for other personnel with the WV DOA that can be contacted.

Below is our contact:

Scott Hoffman, Gypsy Moth Cooperative Suppression Coordinator
Plant Industries Division
West Virginia Department Of Agriculture
PO Box 9, New Creek WV. 26743
Office Phone: (304) 788-1066
Cell Phone: (304) 813-9624
Fax: (304) 558-2435

Based on responses from both sides, after the results are provided, each property owner can make a decision and pursue remediation efforts, if necessary, as they see fit.

Thank you in advance and have a wonderful rest of your Spring and Summer.


Jason T. Williams

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