Attn: Landowners of Ashton Woods – Gypsy Moth Program

Attn: Landowners of Ashton Woods – Gypsy Moth Program

I took the time to notify the WVU Ext Service regarding the gypsy moth program through WVDA. Dee said the ext service has applications for the gypsy moth program. Dee can be reached at 304. 530. 0273. My understanding is that the landowner and or adjacent landowners need to initial the program. Most likely due to the pesticide application. Land owners must pay one dollar for each acre. with a minimum of 50 acres. Landowners must join together to spray the entire affected area. The problem may be that this year’s spaying may be over but WVDA can recommend aerial spray. I spoke with Commissioner Workman and was told they would have a better update coming at the commission meeting. SO LANDOWNERS please contact Dee at 304. 530. 0273 to get your application, fill it out, and return it to be sent to WVDA. WVDA will work with landowners directly. Hopes this helps…. Rose Helmick 69, 70.

12 Responses

  1. Andy Pirnik says:

    Thank you Rose for the information!

    We are lot 334 if any of our adjacent neighbors wish to participate.

  2. says:

    Is this recommended as a preventative measure or mainly for infested areas?
    And … dangerous to our pets?
    I feel like I may have missed some of the important information that perhaps has already been shared.
    Any suggestions/ thoughts would be appreciated.

  3., says:

    Lot 344 is interested.

  4. TahomaRidge says:

    Lot 307 and 304 interested

  5. says:

    I’ve been in communication with Scott at WV DNR/DOA since January and have the new application that needs to be submitted by August.

    I’ll see how we can post this to the Documents section of our site to make it accessible.

    In addition, I’ll be send it to Rose as well.



    • says:

      I believe it’s too late to spray this year. The caterpillars are to large to kill at this point. The program being discussed must be for next year. I believe this approach could be used if Ashton Woods does not participate in the spraying program next year and cover it’s cost. Steve Dargusch Lot 282

  6. says:

    Please think very carefully before doing this. The spray will kill all moths, not just gypsy moths. We used to have the large beautiful Luna moths around our cabin on a property we own in Romney, and after we sprayed we never saw them again. This was 15 years ago and they still haven’t returned. This is a real loss to the natural environment, and to those of us who enjoy the small wonders of nature.

  7. says:

    Friends who do not like pesticides such as me, a war veteran with toxic environment exposures. And a big fan of bee and butterfly pollinators. I use a more natural way of getting rid of gypsy moth at my home. Here is what I do: Early spring, we hunt up all of our wild cherry trees checking for the egg sacs in webs. Wild cherry trees seem to popular for gypsy moth nest. Find it and destroy it. If unable to destroy the nest in time, place multiple rounds of duck tape sticky side out around your yard trees about 3 foot up in the early morning dark before the critters go up the tree. Keep duck tape sticky on tree until the worms begin disappearing. Jason, to answer your question regarding the pesticide application on the website I believe that is a great idea for landowners who wish to participate with the blessing of the association. Let me know if you need me to stop and pick it up for you. Hampshire and Hardy County is listed as infested on the wv government website. Rose Helmick 69, 70

  8. says:

    Lot 55 is interested , spray!

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