Contractor speeding

Contractor speeding

I was returning from town today (1:17pm) and was ready to enter my code into the gate pad when I observed a black pick up and a gray pick up (both with trailers) speeding towards the gate. I chose not to enter my code and waited for them to go thru at which time they both sped out of the neighborhood. A few minutes later I encountered a large white panel truck with no name also speeding past me. Then I encountered a D&D plumbing truck (and I love D&D) also speeding. I saw him far enough ahead that I pulled into the center of the road and forced him to slow down to get around me.
If these contractors were working on your home, please remind them of our speed limit. The roads are very dry and the dust lasts in the air for several minutes.
Thank you

One Response

  1. Sean Lecher says:

    With the new AW Board in place, perhaps it’s time to reconsider randomly placed speed bumps within the Community.


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