Finding a mattress store who delivers

Finding a mattress store who delivers

Hello. It’s time for us to replace our mattress. However, we’ve run into difficulties finding a company that will deliver. Does anyone have recommendations that worked for them?

Thanks much!
Hilary and Phil

7 Responses

  1. John Miller says:

    This furniture store in Romney delivered to our cabin a couple years ago.

    Dillons Furniture
    360 E Main St, Romney, WV 26757 · ~40.1 mi
    (304) 822-4215

  2. Kim Bowmaster says:

    Amazon has mattresses that are compressed and boxed for delivery. It’s very convenient for taking to the cabin we found. At first I had my doubts but after sleeping on a few, they are rather nice. It’s takes about a day or two for them to soak back in the air.

    • Kim, thank you!! We wondered about the mattresses that arrive in a box, so we’re glad to know you found them comfortable.

      Thanks again!

  3. I have purchase two memory foam style mattresses online and had delivered to our home. They do take at least 24 hours to fully decompress, but we have had great luck with them.

    Also, there are many luxury mattress that are sold online these days.
    Helix and Purple mattress are very popular, high end mattress brands that sell online.

    Hope this help, and get some great rest on the new mattress!!

    • John, thank you for sharing your experiences with purchasing for, mattresses online. It’s good to hear they’ve worked out so well for you all. I’ve heard of Helix and Purple and understand they’re rated quite high.

      Thanks much!

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