Fireworks in Ashton Woods 11/19/22

Fireworks in Ashton Woods 11/19/22

Are fireworks allowed within Ashton Woods? I do not see anything in the covenants but as wooded as it is here and thinking back to the forest fire we had in the summer I imagine it would be very dangerous – it was very windy last night as well – the folks behind us were setting them off around 7 pm.

3 Responses

  1. Tom Craigo says:

    I don’t know if it’s allowed or not (probably is) but it sure is irresponsible! At least unless the ground is wet, which it is not right now.

  2. Shawn Curry says:

    Even if not expressly prohibited, it’s grossly irresponsible and intentionally negligent. One would think common sense would prevail but sadly, common sense no longer appears to be very common. Especially of late…

  3. says:

    AWPOA Community,

    Please do not use fireworks during this time of year with new dry leaves on the ground and strong winds.

    Also, please remove leaves and debris from fire pits/camp fires that can blow away and start a fire as well.

    Please perform your due diligence to protect your property, neighbors property and Ashton Woods as a whole.

    Feel free to contact me with any questions.


    Jason T. Williams
    AWPOA President

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