Home schooling / Education for Children

Home schooling / Education for Children

Does anyone have any good resources for home schooling or any guidance in the area?

My wife and I are contemplating moving full time to the mountain but our main focus is on educating our children. We have 2 preschool age kids now (3 & 4 yr old) and are looking into the options of home schooling or doing a co-op program.

We would love to hear some information if your willing to share or if you have any good contacts we can reach out too!

Thanks in advance!

6 Responses

  1. Bill Russell says:

    Hi Andrew,

    My wife (Lisa) and I have just moved to AW full time. We homeschooled all three of our kids through high school. If you are up for dinner sometime, we would love to connect! My mobile number 571-334-1671.

    Take care,

    • Andrew Dochterman says:

      Hi Bill, just saved you number. I’ll be reaching out!
      Thank you so much

  2. Hello Neighbor! We enjoyed seeing you and your family a few weeks ago.

    My husband and I are grateful to be able to homeschool, and our son loves it when we take his books to the mountains! I figured I’d respond to your note in the open, in case other Ashton Woods families are interested in homeschooling.

    When folks start out on the homeschool journey, I always first encourage them to look at the three websites below which are so incredibly helpful to both new and veteran homeschoolers:

    HOMESCHOOL QUIZ: https://homeschoolon.com/the-homeschool-style-quiz/
    The homeschool quiz tells you what type of teaching method you naturally gravitate toward. We are more traditional, so we like a detailed lesson plan and a box of books sent to us. Some people prefer electric, where they select the books and daily lesson plan for their children. Others people want a computer based program. There are various teaching styles and different curriculum is designed around these methods. Knowing your teaching style helps you narrow down what curriculum to use.

    CATHY DUFFY HOMESCHOOL REVIEWS: https://cathyduffyreviews.com
    Cathy Duffy is the gold standard for curriculum reviews. Once you all figure out your teaching style, then you can head over to the Cathy Duffy website to search for a curriculum. You can do free searches for curriculum that meets your teaching style, educational goals, and also incorporates your preferred religion/faith. From there, you can start narrowing down what curriculum makes sense for your family.

    I highly encourage families join HSLDA — both for their legal guidance and general homeschool support. The membership is inexpensive compared to the value HSLDA provides. Each state has different homeschool laws, and HSLDA lawyers guide you through the rules. They also quickly step in for parents when needed. For example, we had an issue in Fairfax County (Virginia) a few years ago, where the county issued an inappropriate questionnaire to homeschool families — HSLDA intervened — by the next day, Fairfax County had rescinded their questionnaire! HSLDA is also a resource from guidance on speech therapy to how to homeschool multiple children to what a daily routine looks like. Our family contacts them several times a year for legal guidance and general homeschooling questions — each discussion is free (since we’re members).

    Please reach out if you have any questions! And, tell your sweet family hello!!

    Lot 219

    • Andrew Dochterman says:

      Thanks so much for the great information Hilary! This is going to help us a ton.

  3. Dave Jakes says:

    I am a FCPS teacher. When I was getting my last degree some years ago, I was impressed with E.D. Hirsch’s books, “What your Nth Grader should know” series. I believe they start with pre-school and can be purchased on Amazon.

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