HVAC Contractor

HVAC Contractor

We are looking for a HVAC contract to charge a mini split system. Please advise if anyone has a good contact.

5 Responses

  1. Matt Dunlay says:

    Buck Branson of Branson HVAC LLC does a great job. Reliable, thorough, and prompt. He’s local as well. His contact number is
    (304) 851-0890

    -Matt D.

  2. Paul Graham says:

    We used Buck Bradley for several years, but recently he’s had some health issues that have reduced his availability. So, we just started using Air Quality Systems (AQS). They are a bigger shop so they don’t need to rely on just one person for availability.

  3. Paul Wangerin says:

    We have used Buck Branson for several years, but when he needed to reschedule three times in last two weeks, we used Harthausen Heating and A/C and he was quick to respond and schedule. 304-538-3150

  4. Matt Dunlay says:

    We’ve certainly had our fair share of cancellations and reschedules here in AW. Gate repairs are a prime example. We’ve all been asked to exercise patience with the gates for a year, I’m sure we can extend the same courtesy to our local techs. Buck is 3for3 with me.

    • John F. says:

      We had Buck install our HVAC here last year and the job he quoted 3-4 days on took almost 4 months – he never did come back to cover the outside tubing components so we did that ourselves recently. He fired his assistant who was the one doing most of the work and has alot of health problems his wife was saying with his back. Definitely not able to recommend Buck.

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