Land Thief ?

Land Thief ?

Lot 153 has pushed a massive pile of trees from his property on to our 60 foot right-of-way. Some areas are as much as 20 feet on our property. I am told it will be covered with dirt and may be higher than 5 feet. Please drive by there and give me your thoughts. It is located on Trough View Rd. approximately 3000 feet past the intersection of South Branch Mountain rd.

6 Responses

  1. says:


    Thank you for the post and the Board is in contact with the property owner per our conversation over email.

    Have a great evening!


    Jason T. Williams

  2. Tim Schafer, says:

    Just for clarity, the President, Jason Williams already told me he and the Board gave the property owner the ok for this violation of Community boundaries. I am happy to show everyone the email.
    Have a nice day Mr. Rodgers

  3. says:

    Please feel free to show the email. There is also a request to move it back as much as possible to the property owner.

    In addition, please note that every tree that is down due to wind, road maintenance or has been cut down by property owners within 30 ft of center is also in violation, that has not been moved.

    Any tree that is standing within 30 feet of center on every property is also in violation as well as new growth and every blade of grass.

    We all moved to this community to enjoy the environment and the peace that it offers, not to be policed for violations on every turn.

    I/We will do our best to uphold the covenants, but also allow people to live without harassment.

    Pertaining to me, I took this volunteer position at Paul W.’s request and to help implement his vision of working together and friendships. If I’ve done a disservice to the community, please let me know and feel free to impeach.

    I have a full time job in the Cybersecurity arena that takes a huge amount of time to support my family, company’s customers and Venture Capital firms. I do my best for this community at night and on weekends and appreciate the friendships that have been made to date.

    Thank you in advance for the challenging but also rewarding past 8 months.

    If you have interest in becoming President, please submit your name.


    Jason T. Williams

  4. Tara Pase says:

    Jason we thank you for your attention and work on our behalf as members of Ashton woods – you have our full support on this matter.

    Change may be hard for the established residence and fear of the unknown. However, In my reading of the covenants they only appear to limit buildings and drainage within the row. The grubbing debris or fill does not appear to fit these criteria, either claimed or demonstrated.


    Brian Bramel

  5. says:

    Just a point of clarification, The Roads in Ashton Woods are not a right of way. The roads are owed by the Association. There is a deed and and a surveyed plat of the roads. This is not the way it normally is, but it is the ways it is in Ashton Woods. I was an original member of the board when the association started and served as Treasurer for 10 years. I had to go to the county to get the roads exempted from property tax . They were sending a bill to the association as owner of the roads. By memory, I recall the roads being over 200 acres.

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