Lawn/Brush maintenance

Lawn/Brush maintenance

Hi Folks! We are getting a well drilled today and the guys called me to say my lot has become overgrown since the driveway area was cleared. Are there any recs for someone to clear the weeds out? The contractor said they were about 4 ft high- but there are no trees or permanent growth in that area since it was already cleared. So I don’t need trees clearing- more like maintenance. Any leads would be great. They were able to drive over to get to the lot, but I’d like to get it cleared again so I can camp up there until we have a house next year. Thanks!

Erin- Lot 255

7 Responses

  1. Tom Craigo says:

    We’ve used local resident Phil Rinker to bush hog. He does road maintenance too. I haven’t talked to him this year, but he has done it the past 2 years for us. Find him in the owner directory.

  2. says:

    Good morning Erin. I sent you a email about clearing the brush. Give me a call and we can get that taken care of for you.

  3. Bern W says:

    I use Ranson Markwood he lives in the complex to take care of my lawn and weeding +1 304-851-2583

  4. Phil says:

    Phil Rinker

  5. Hello Erin, Can you tell me who is drilling your well? May I have their contact info?

    Frank Lot 356

    • Tom Craigo says:

      Hi Frank. We used BW Smith in Romney to drill our well. Did a fine job.

    • Cheryl Willard says:

      Frank, we use D&D Plumbing in Romney. They’re a good resource if the other suggestion doesn’t pan out.

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