Looking for a dog sitter

Looking for a dog sitter

Looking for a Boston Terrier puppy dog sitter either in Moorefield or in the community, dog boarding for part of the day in particular. I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

3 Responses

  1. Kim Skiles says:

    Sergey. What are you needing exactly? Schedule? Hours? Your place or theirs?

    You said puppy how okd?

    • Sergey Mishkovskiy says:

      Kim, it’d either be Friday or Saturday that I might need help to keep an eye on her for 4-6 hours. My preference is their place as I find logistics of that easier to manage from my end. Thanks.

  2. Cheryl Willard says:

    Agree with Kim, need more info. My daughter is 18 and can watch your puppy during the day. We don’t have a space here specifically for your dog because we already have 3 of our own. If you want to talk to her about it, please call us at 304 434 4353.

    Cheryl Willard

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