Lost Cat?

Lost Cat?

This little guy/gal showed up yesterday on our property. He/she doesn’t have any tags but based on behavior and condition appears to be someone’s pet and not a stray. Let us know if he/she belongs to you!

4 Responses

  1. Kim Bowmaster says:

    We had the same thing happen. Nobody claimed the cat. Real nice friendly cat – very hungry and we were worried about him. Apparently people dump cats around the area and leave them to fend for themselves. Not a cat person but we took the cat home to at least get proper care. Now I guess I am a one-cat person. I told him he is lucky because any others would definitely have to go to the pound.

    • KEVIN MCDADE says:

      Thanks – we’ve heard that a couple of times too. Hoping someone is looking for him/her.

    • Steven Thomas says:

      This is how you get cats…they choose you. We had none, then one, and now we have 3.

  2. Kelli and Michael says:

    Does the cat have a short tail, or is it just the picture? Any chance it’s a bobcat kitten? We’ve seen bobcats on our cameras.

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