Package room

Package room

Is the code for the package room the same as our gate code ? Thanks

4 Responses

  1. Matt & Amy Bernatz says:

    As a follow up to this, do you have to pay for access to the package room? We don’t have a mailbox, and I don’t use this address for any kind of deliveries in general, but we do need to have something delivered as a one-off and I’m not sure if we need to pay for access to the package rooms.

    • Paul Graham says:


      The only way to get access to the package room is to have access to the trash room, which costs $100 per year for part-time owners.

      Paul Graham

    • Matt & Amy Bernatz says:

      Perfect. We already pay for rcs access so we are good!

  2. Sergey Mishkovskiy says:

    Here’s part of recent reply to Robert (the original poster) from our former president Paul Wangerin.

    “Codes for the RCS and package house are only for those members who have paid for trash removal, and for full time people who have a mailbox in Ashton Woods.”

    Part of the issue is gate management limitations that doesn’t allow for more granular control of access to various buildings. I’m a messenger here so if you have any follow up questions please use general inquiry option on contacts page. Hope this helps.

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