

I think it’s the a shame that we have no respect for our roads in here. I saw were people are doing donuts and spinning up the roads that was just newly graded and gravel. You have no respect for work that’s put into the roads! You can’t even tell that two weeks ago these roads were maintained and now they are washboard, donuts and ripping and spinning on them. We all have to drive on these roads! People live here full time.

It’s very frustrating we have know more respect for our community.

Ellie Sager

13 Responses

  1. Tom Craigo says:

    Be careful painting everyone with such a broad brush. There are people who come in from outside the community to run the roads on ATVs.

    It may very well be someone from within, and hopefully they will read this, or perhaps the parents will.


      If they come from outside, the cameras at the gates should pick them up, right? If so, we might get a little more information about them. If someone is letting them in, then ditto.

  2. Sergey Mishkovskiy says:

    I think it’d be better to notify board directly instead. People that damage our roads like that are likely guests and very unlikely to read this forum posts.

  3. Phil says:

    I understand completely about outside guest. But if we got cameras up than we should be seeing who coming in ripping and tearing up our roads. Just for recorded this is Ellie and not Phil at all.

    • Catherine Baum says:

      SPEAKING NOT AS A BOD MEMBER (IM VIP) Cameras are focused on gates for thievery, and other violations. If a lot owner or homeowner has a specific issue with an approximate date/time, the BOD or a volunteer can review. We do not pay to have constant monitoring.
      The budget does not allow for cameras/traffic control points that can find traffic violators. We can’t find people doing wheelies or drag racing as have been suggested.
      Personally, I am pissed. We came up on Friday and Trough View to South Branch/Lochinger is not a washboard because of ATV’s. It’s because of contractors.
      Our community is made up of 40++ gravel miles and 300 culverts that require SLOW traffic. New owners who are building homes, or setting up campers, and other equipment must tell their contractors to go slow. Those of us who have been here for awhile need to remind everyone we came here for the peace and enjoyment of our natural surrounds. We pay good money for Road Maintenance but it’s also up to us to take care of the roads

  4. Tom Craigo says:

    As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant. If they get caught on camera, and if it’s possible, create a ‘video section’ and post videos that may show some identifying details of their features or their machines. If they’re guests or kids, then the hosts/parents should remind them this kind of stuff costs all of us.

  5. Catherine Baum says:

    SPEAKING NOT AS A BOD MEMBER (IM VIP) Cameras are focused on gates for thievery, and other violations. If a lot owner or homeowner has a specific issue with an approximate date/time, the BOD or a volunteer can review. We do not pay to have constant monitoring.
    The budget does not allow for cameras/traffic control points that can find traffic violators. We can’t find people doing wheelies or drag racing as have been suggested.
    Personally, I am pissed. We came up on Friday and Trough View to South Branch/Lochinger is not a washboard because of ATV’s. It’s because of contractors.
    Our community is made up of 40++ gravel miles and 300 culverts that require SLOW traffic. New owners who are building homes, or setting up campers, and other equipment must tell their contractors to go slow. Those of us who have been here for awhile need to remind everyone we came here for the peace and enjoyment of our natural surrounds. We pay good money for Road Maintenance but it’s also up to us to take care of the roads

  6. William Winch says:

    i have seen contractors driving the roads many times with trailers and heavy equipment at excessive speeds. I tend to be rather confrontational, (defect), so I followed them and got in their faces over how they were driving. Shaming them face to face either works or puts you in the hospital, so use your judgement. lol

  7. Steve Rappe says:

    I just moved here at the end of October and I must say the state of the roads is not ideal. It’s bad enough that I keep my other car garaged elsewhere. It takes adhesion and compaction to make permanence and resistance to wear. Not everyone knows this and it seems to me given the amount of trash I’ve also had to pick up along side the roads recently this is coming from non residents. While sticking to slow speeds helps this is going to always be a problem. I’ll state this plainly. If you want a smoother wear resistant surface gravel is not the way to go, you’ll have to switch at minimum to asphalt millings as the next most economical option. If you want litter and excessive wear and tear on the roads to stop you’ll have to enforce this with contractors and maintenance crews, maybe require an access agreement for anyone doing construction and maintenance projects. Just some opinion from a guy who worked in the business for a while.

  8. says:

    Whatever happened to looking into speed bumps? Too expensive?

    Kathy Chiodo

  9. says:

    I kinda like the millings idea for the main roads Ashton s woods drive and trough view. starting slow and working towards the ultimate goal. Each year the state does a new road which they give this material away by the dump trucks load. You may want to personally work with Darby Clayton, a local person and deputy state highway engineer. He may be contacted at the Hardy County WV DOH on Rt 55.
    However, I am not in favor of raising the maintenance fees any higher. Darby may be able to offer some suggestions for the road within our current price range. Rose Helmick, 69, 70

    • Steve Rappe says:

      I’m with you on that. In my previous neighborhood we went with this after years of dealing with gravel and it reduced the cost dramatically but we didn’t have the slopes some of our roads have. I would like to hear thoughts on this by guys like Phil who already do our roads, and such. Get a cost benefit analysis together. I’ve done driven some of our other road looking for trash and they’re still in good shape but our main roads are getting some serious wear and tear.

  10. Donnie & Kathy Simmons says:

    After reading all of the aforementioned comments if you catch someone doing donuts / rip tearing / high rate of speed exactly what is the procedure for disciplinary action?
    If a non AW resident – trespassing charges?
    An AW landowner – ?
    I’ve encountered this activity in the past and uncertain where I stand if I confront someone

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