Summary Report on July 30 Board Meeting

Summary Report on July 30 Board Meeting

The Ashton Woods board met today, and following is a summary of important items from the meeting:

-October 22 Owners Meeting . . . This will be an in person meeting to be held at the Moorefield Church of the Brethern. We will be looking for volunteers to assist with the meeting on that day, and this is an excellent opportunity for many new owners to get involved in a simple one-day activity. If you would like the opportunity to meet many of our fellow owners, please reply to me at More information on this meeting will be sent in the next several months. For now, mark that date on your calendar and volunteer to assist with the meeting.

-Treasurer’s report and financial position held much discussion and planning. Items discussed involved work being done now as well as planning for the next year. Items will be listed separately.

-Gates – The replacement of both Trough View and Main Gates have increased in price from the budget passed at our 2021 Owners Meeting. Inflation, gas prices, and longer construction time due to workers needing to stop work often to allow entrance and exit. Consequently, each gate is about $10,000 more than originally budgeted. This will require us to take the balance from our contingency funds. (Our contingency fund is about equal to one year expense budget.) Our plan to to have the contingency fund back up to our goal by end of 2023. The new Trough View Gate is now operational, and this includes the linkage to the RCS. The Main Gate is still being addressed, and it is possible that this current problem is tied into the numerous issues we were having prior to the new gate installation. This will be fixed as we work through the problem. The West Gate is scheduled to be replaced next year.

-RCS and trash removal – As more people are building, moving into Ashton Woods full time, and more people are signing up for part time usage, we are now faced with other way to address trash removal. Our RCS sheds are completely full. We are looking at using dumpsters, but building an enclosed “building” to hold these dumpsters. This is an urgent need and something we need to address next year.

-2023 Budget – with these items facing us, the board will be presenting a budget that calls for dues at $600. Our covenants allow us to raise dues based on inflation, and dues have not been raised since 2006. Inflation clearly has been higher than a $100 increase, and all the work that needs to be done as our community grows, this increase is necessary.

-Recent fire – Many concerns, rightly so, have been raised by the fire that took place a week or so ago. Concerns include first identification that there is a fire, then reporting the fire, sharing information to property owners about location of the fire, safety and clear instructions for egress, follow up to fire once fully extinguished, reporting to all owners following end of fire that would address all questions and concerns about the fire. Therefore, the board has determined the best way to address this issue is to form a committee to work though all that needs to be considered regarding any fire. John Rice (who has been with the fire department in Louden County, VA and now does work with the Moorefield FD) will head this committee. Another message will be sent out requesting volunteers to serve on this committee.

-NextDoor app – it has been suggested that this app is an excellent way to communicate immediately with all owners, and working toward established such a communication method. A committee will be put into place to set up such a communication process. Watch for more information on this topic.

-Board positions need to be filled. After many years of the board, Treasurer Paul Graham will step off the board as his term ends this year. As his term ends this year, Vice President John Rice will not be be running for the board again. I will need to step off the board as medical and physical ability issues have required that Linda and I sell our home at this time. Contact me if you are interested in serving on the board, and we will be speaking to various candidates to join our board. Again my email address is

You may contact me if you have any questions about our meeting.

It has been my pleasure to serve all of you as AWPOA Board President for the last number of years.

Paul Wangerin

One Response

  1. Michael Pondaco says:

    Good Afternoon,
    What time will the open meeting be held on October 22nd?
    Michael Pondaco

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