Survey Markers and such…

Survey Markers and such…

Hello Folks, just wanted to reach out to assist with information regarding survey markers. You should know this info before clearing and building on your property. 1. contact a surveyor if you cant find your property line (list attach for local surveyors) . 2. The association should only be for common areas (roads/buildings). 3. Landowner property damage should be handle through Magistrate Court, landowner legal representative, etc. 4. Thank goodness we have a board that is so transparent with our money. I appreciate you! 5. if there is board liability for an incident, send the information to the insurance company. Rose Helmick 69 ,70 ,

One Response

  1. H&A Regensburger says:

    FWIW – It’s my understanding L&W Enterprises was the surveyor used by the developer (WV Hunter, LLC) to create AW.

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