American chestnut

American chestnut

I’ve been watching the American Chestnut Foundation for some time as they have worked to develop a blight resistant American Chestnut tree. The American Chestnut was nearly wiped out by a blight in the early 20th century.

They have developed a blight resistant variety and are seeking approval to deregulate this variety.

You can read more about it here, and if interested make commit on the application:

3 Responses

  1. Tom Craigo says:

    Seems the formatting got messed up, but the foundation site is and the pdf doc is:

  2. says:


    We had tried several years ago to grow these and they always got blighted-glad to hear they may have solved this and will look into it again. We have 130 year old Chestnut furniture made from my husband’s family farm. Such a beautiful and strong wood.


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