Gypsy Moth Survey and Spraying — Update

Gypsy Moth Survey and Spraying — Update

AWPOA Community,

Thank you to everyone who responded to the query on 10 January regarding the gypsy moth survey and possible plans for spraying. The Board appreciates your feedback and read each of your responses.

We wanted to provide an update to our current planning. We’ve received additional information and understand the main trouble areas seem to be in the Nathaniel Mountain Wildlife Management Area, which would be handled by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Thus, we deemed there is no need to take action at this time.

However, we will have another survey completed prior to the next Owners’ Meeting, which we can then present for discussion and a vote based on the findings. We will also take the responses we already received and use them as a guide for future deliberations and when presenting to the Owners’ Meeting.

Thanks much,

Hilary Collins
AWPOA Secretary

10 Responses

  1. Matt & Amy Bernatz says:

    I’m a little confused about the Gypsy Moth situation. I see these posts that indicate nothing is needed in 2023, but I also saw in my email that a notice was sent out indicating that this is not the case. The below was cut/pasted from the email I received that a notice had been posted but I can’t find it to read the rest.

    Gypsy moths gone wild!
    From: Tim Schafer,

    Facts about our missed opportunity to get this in check. 1- 829 acres of Ashton Woods property have enough egg masses, that the West Virginia Department of Agriculture believes should be treated next May. These lots are between the Eastern most part of South Branch Mountain rd and Winterberry and Ridgeview rd. This includes most of Nathaniel Mountain rd. You …

    • Sean Lecher says:

      Tim’s post was censored(removed). If you reach out to him, I’m sure he will gladly share his info with you.

      It’s disappointing that it’s come to this

    • Hilary Collins says:

      Matt and Amy, we wanted to get a response to you regarding your questions.

      First, rest assured the Board did not remove any previous postings. The community member who posted his initial comments that you referenced ultimately removed his comments on his own accord.

      Second, as you both know well, the question regarding how to handle the Gypsy Moth issue creates many differing viewpoints. Due to the various opinions, and also because the most recent survey showed the main trouble areas to be in the National Mountain Wildlife Management Area, which the WV Division of Natural Resources would handle, the Board deemed it best to complete a second survey and then present the findings for discussion and a vote at the next Owners’ Meeting in October.

      Gypsy Moths are indeed on the Board’s radar and among a number of priorities for us, but we also want to ensure we move forward with our community’s input. Please let us know if there are any further questions.

      Thank you,

      Hilary Collins
      AWPOA Secretary

    • says:

      I certainly hope they spray – the eggs and larvae are invading around my home.. Lot 332

  2. says:

    Why are posts being censored? I have a concern about Gypsy Moths because (as I previously mentioned) I have noticed numerous egg sacs on my property which are indicative of infestation. Thanks, Steve Dargusch

    • says:

      I’m responding to yesterday’s post by the owners of lot 332 about gypsy moth infestation on their property. I have noticed additional egg sacks on my property (lot 282). It is too late to do anything to control this year’s caterpillars. Hopefully we will follow the recommendations of the WV Dept of Agriculture to spray infested areas in AW. Steve Dargusch

  3. says:

    AWPOA Community,

    Good evening and thank you for the additional responses to Hilary’s notice.

    Please be advised that the post was not censored; Tim removed his post after receiving additional information as stated above.

    Thank you and have a great rest of your weekend!


    Jason T. Williams
    AWPOA President

    • Tim Schafer, says:

      Yes, I voluntarily removed my post. My opinion it was a missed opportunity stands. And all else I said in the post were FACTS.
      I was asked by Jason “please do not post something like this to the Community ” also in his second email on the 19th he stated
      “Since you have resigned from the Board, please refrain from responding on Board level topics without speaking with us first.”
      My question is, are the emails on this study that support my opinion and facts, legally viewable to the community

  4. says:

    AWPOA Community,

    Good morning!

    I asked that Tim not post a message to the community before we review it, not because of silencing an opinion or facts, but because we still had other information to go through since this transition between boards.

    Information came in last night that wasn’t in the previous information.

    This means that posting segments of information is not the best way, because it leaves things incomplete and hard to base a decision.

    Also, a number of posts, not all from Tim, do not place individuals, who are volunteers, in the best light, and not in their complete control of decisions. So why do we want to start accusing individuals of missed opportunities, censorship, and other things when that’s not what was happening and make it for the community to see. This is not Twitter and we want everyone working together, not driving division through posts.

    In full transparency, the Gypsy Moth project was on the agenda for each board meeting in November and December, but was not reached because the top items of discussion pertained to FOBs, Sheds, Campets/RVs and Dues and who was violating which covenant and what were next steps.

    The Dec. 31st deadline was missed because we couldn’t make it past the items mentioned and those discussions were driven by individuals who are now raising the Gypsy Moth initiative to the highest level and deeming it a missed opportunity.

    Is this something that the community wants to hear about, or do they want to hear that the board that they elected is doing everything possible to keep it safe.

    Again, I/we did not ask Tim to remove anything and it was not stated that all of the information that he posted was inaccurate, it just wasn’t complete. But, we don’t want posts going out that could be left for interpretation.

    My goal since speaking with Paul W. and accepting this voluntary position, was to remove division, operate in a business manner, address board concerns behind the door, advise the Community on what is happening with the right information, and allow individuals to live in this wonderful community and get away from the hustle and bustle.

    Lastly, we are doing everything to get the program on track and are speaking with the WV DNR/DOA as soon as possible.

    Have a great day and week!


    Jason T. Williams
    AWPOA President

    • Tim Schafer, says:

      When a Senior WV department of Forestry called me and invited me to join him on the Fire investigation of lot 343 this summer, he pointed out Gypsy moth egg cases and said he would report it to WV department of Agriculture.
      This last fall i spoke with the two WV department of Agriculture agents doing the survey. They said “MOST”of the egg cases were on the Nathaniel Mountain Rd area of our Community. I also showed them on my Community map where a lot owner had spotted a possible Spotted Lantern Fly. They said they would come back tomorrow to look and work more on the Gypsy survey.
      I made all new and old board members aware of speaking with the Agents in a email dating Thur, November 3, 2022 @ 5:58 Am.
      The first deadline was December 16. The extended deadline was December 31st 2022.
      A third extended deadline was January 3, 2023.
      I have ALL emails supporting this. I spoke with our point of contact on January 9th to find out if there were any updates as Hillary and Jason said. He said none to his knowledge and all the information was given months ago.
      Bottom line, we are all volunteers and i make mistakes as well as others.
      If we have a wet spring, it will cause a fungus which can kill the Gypsy moth eggs. If not, the forest will come back as it has from previous infestations.
      Please, lets look forward to foliage covered summer of 2023.
      Optimistically, Tim

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