Gall Rust Disease?

Gall Rust Disease?

Hi, we noticed this on some of our trees. Has anyone else seen it and what do you do about it? Thanks!

3 Responses

  1. Tom Craigo says:

    Yep, I’ve seen it this year, and never remember seeing it in years past. I don’t really care since it’s only affecting pines, but if someone is using pines for landscaping then of coarse prune the limbs with it showing. From what I’ve read it can kill pines if it is on the main trunk. I say I don’t care about the pines because I would rather have hardwood trees for mast for wildlife, and pines, for me, just take up real estate that could hold mast trees.

    It also propagates on oaks leaves, and then spreads from there to pines, but doesn’t have adverse affects to the oaks, or so I’ve read.

    • Thom and Kathy Hildebrand (Lot 108) says:

      Thanks for the info! Agree that the pines or dispensable lol

  2. says:

    Thanks for the update! I appreciate you…

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