Attention HOA Board.

Attention HOA Board.

I’ve owned property here for almost 15 years. I participate on the forums, help folks when I can, and generally try to not be a jerk.

I just received an accusatory letter that I hadn’t paid my HOA fees. Yep, I hadn’t. Sorry about that. My email and phone number is available for all to see, but I got an letter saying that soon, we will all be charged 10% if the HOA needs to send such a letter. Perhaps I misread it, so I’m sorry if I misrepresent that facts.

I have many things happening in my life, but still accept the fact that I simply forgot to pay my fees.

Next time, Just email me, OK. You have my info.


One Response

  1. says:

    Tom and Community,

    Good evening and thank you for your post as well as your participation within the community.

    The most recent delinquent notices were sent out by the Board after multiple attempts to collect the dues for 2023 and there are fees associated with these correspondences.

    Over the past months, the Secretary and Treasurer have been notifying all property owners that have not paid via various communication methods.

    With that being said, let’s figure out why you have not received previous notifications and get that resolved so that we don’t have the same challenge in subsequent years.


    Jason T. Williams
    AWPOA President

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