Gypsy Moth

Gypsy Moth

If they are Nathaniel now they will spread to other places soon – gypsy moth droppings overnight on a piece of plywood.

6 Responses

  1. Andy Pirnik says:

    They are horrible this year. I don’t understand why the community wasn’t sprayed. Spraying was done in the past. It is considered as one of the most invasive species which will lead to a widespread of forest defoliation and wildlife disruption. These will spread and affect to all community (if not already affecting your lot).

  2. says:

    Hi Dianna, May I suggest you share this information with ken leonhart, agriculture commissioner at 304558 3550-. WV Department of agriculture. WVDA has a cost share program for spraying these critters. Here is a recent article concerning the same program.

  3. says:

    Dianna, I found the program at wv forestry website. Rose Helmick

  4. TahomaRidge says:

    They hit my place hard!

  5. Andy Pirnik says:

    They are decimating the oaks and maples primarily looks like across the mountain. Pines too but so far not as bad. The dryer weather is making it worse than in previous years.

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