Independence Day – Thank You!

Independence Day – Thank You!


As we celebrate the freedom that we have in this great country over this weekend, I want to say thank you to our Service men and women in this community who have dedicated their lives to protect the United States of America!

Not just for this weekend, but everyday!

Also, to all Service men and women who are currently serving, or will serve in the future, Thank You!

We are blessed beyond measure for the provisions and protections that we have in this country!

I grew up in a military family and am personally thank you for what that provided me in my life!

Lastly, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the ultimate sacrifice for not only the United States, but everyone around the world! For the air that I breathe every day and his grace, mercy, love and eternal life!

God Bless America and your families!

Warm regards,

Jason T. Williams

9 Responses

  1. John Miller says:

    Well said Jason, and this veteran concurs with everything you mentioned.

    John and Barb Miller
    572 Ruckman Rd.

  2. Kelli and Michael says:

    We agree wholeheartedly!! Without the sacrifice of the men and women who volunteer(ed) on our behalf, none of this is possible.

    We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Independence Day!!

  3. Mike Higley says:

    Amen and thank you Jason!

    Mike & Keisha Higley

  4. Marina Winch says:

    Thank you Jason and God Bless America!

    Marina and Jeff Winch

  5. Diana Ketterman says:

    I totally agree! Thank you!

  6. Deborah French says:

    Jason and Jamie,
    Thank you for your lovely post. Very heartfelt words for this Sabbath day and for the week ahead as we celebrate our freedom.
    God Bless you,
    Charles and Debbie

  7. Geoff Brehm says:

    Yes! Happy 4th of July to all the non-believers and peoples of other faiths too!

  8. Rob & Jennifer Rudrow says:

    Well said! Thank you.

  9. KEVIN MCDADE says:

    Absolutely! This Veteran also agrees 🙂
    Thank you

    Kevin and Diane McDade

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