Not receiving community emails

Not receiving community emails

Is anyone else not receiving community information via email? The only way I can see any community or notice information is by logging in to the website. It happened once before and was corrected.

6 Responses

  1. says:

    Donna and Community,

    The Board will look into this and add it to the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.

    Posts have been made as Community and Notices on the site to cover any gaps between the two correspondences or email lists.

    Have a great evening and we’ll resolve it as soon as possible.


    Jason T. Williams
    AWPOA President

    • Michael Whetzel says:

      Hi Jason
      I am a new owner at AW.I do not receive email from AW ether. My fiancé does, we both should be on the list . Can some one check for me also.

      Thanks Mike

  2. Hilary Collins says:


    Thank you for reaching out. In addition to what Jason said above, I also want to confirm your email address in the directory is correct. Can you please reach out via my email (, so that we can work to figure it out?

    Hilary Collins
    AWPOA Secretary

  3. Nikolaos Dimopoulos says:

    I spoke to the gentleman that handles our hosting and also checked our site. The piece of code responsible for sending out emails is working just fine i.e. emails are being sent as expected.

    The most common factors for not receiving emails are:
    – email address is not correct or has changed and the site does not have the correct information
    – the user subscribed to the email list but has not confirmed their email address – no email will be sent until that happens
    – the user’s mail provider is blocking our emails and sending them to the spam folder.

    Please ensure that the “” is whitelisted in your mail provider. AOL and Gmail are notorious about blocking content so it helps if one checks their spam folder and marking messages as not spam.

  4. Donna Fischer says:

    I checked my spam folder and no ashton woods emails showed up there. Tim and I have different cell carriers and separate email addresses. Up until a few days ago were were receiving community emails just fine then we weren’t.

    • Donna Fischer says:

      I went back and found a few of the missing emails in spam. I removed them from spam and marked them as VIP and will see if that solves the problem.

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