Propane for tank

Propane for tank

Our house is almost complete and i need our 1000 gallon tank filled. Prices are around 2.88 a gallon from southern states or another company named Mathieson. United propane has not even responded. Do any of you have suggestions where to get propane at a reasonable price?

Paul Turkheimer

7 Responses

  1. says:

    Blue Ridge Propane is another. However $2.88 is a good price currently and will be hard to beat:

    Blue Ridge Propane
    1660 Fish Pond Rd, Moorefield, WV 26836
    (304) 358-0445

  2. says:


    The price from Southern is really good and is who we use.



  3. Matt Dunlay says:

    Hi Paul- I agree the $2.88 from Southern is very good. I use United and have had luck with their pricing. Try calling Dawn in the NC office 910-304-0186. They dispatch and bill out of that office.

    Lot 35

    • Paul Turkheimer says:

      thank you all. as to united i am not able to get anyone to answer the phone. i was only able to speak with someone at blue ridge once and sent in the application and have not heard back.


  4. H&A Regensburger says:

    Contact Oakland Oil and Propane in Oakland, MD for a price. That’s who we used to fill our tank. At the time they were the best price.

  5. Michael Tancredi says:

    I use Holtzmann. It’s $3.10 a gallon today. Remember to let whomever you choose know where you are as, as it may change price per gallon or delivery charge. Also prices will vary if you own your own tank. The answer on 4th ring. 804-250- 2007

  6. Donnie & Kathy Simmons says:

    I use Mathieson. They seem reliable.

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